Kit for preparation of 99mTc-DTPA

Kit for preparation of 99mTc-DTPA
Primena- renal scintigraphic imaging (dynamic renal scintigraphy for GFR measurement of each kidney and evaluation of urinary flow disorders),
- GFR measurement from the plasma samples,
- cerebral angiography,
- brain scanning
Farmaceutski oblikradiopharmaceutical kit
Veličina pakovanja5 vials in the cardboard box
Sadržaj po bočici-10 mg CaNa3DTPA (calcium trisodium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid salt)
-0.5 mg SnCl2x2H2O
-9 mg NaCl
Izgledlyophilized, white powder
Karakteristike rastvora nakon obeležavanja-volume of 3-5 ml
-radiochemical purity > 95 %,
-pH = 4.0-7.5
-clear, colorless solution
Stabilnost rastvora nakon obeležavanja6 hours at a temperature below 25ºC
Rok upotrebesix months from the production date
Čuvanjein a refrigerator (2-8 ºC)
Isporukafrom stock