Hippurate-131I injection for diagnostic use

Primenakidney blood flow resolution (effective renal plasma flow - ERPF)
renal tubular function
urine outflow from the pyelocalyceal system
vesico-ureteral reflux (examination during miction)
renal function impairment in transplanted kidney
diagnostics of renovascular hypertension
Farmaceutski obliksolution for injection
Veličina pakovanja10 ml glass vial, closed with rubber stopper and aluminum cap, placed in a lead container. The vial contains a volume of solution corresponding to the activity determined on the calibration day.
Sadržaj po bočicisodium 2-[131I]iodohippurate activities of 3.7 – 74 MBq/ml at time of calibration
Karakteristike rastvorapH 6.0 – 8.5
radionuclidic purity: > 99.9 %
radiochemical purity: > 96 %
clear, colorless solution
Kalibracijaat the user's request
Rok upotrebe21 days from the production date
Čuvanjein a refrigerator (2-8°C)
Isporukaon request